Thursday 26 May 2011


Dear all, on 25/05/2011 we had Guest speaker session on Entrepreneurship by Indian American businessman and entrepreneur Dr. Gururaj Deshpande founder and Chairman of Sycamore Networks, USA. He interacted with fellows on entrepreneurship, who have vast experience in entrepreneurship. It was really interesting session by Gururaj Deshpande sir. He shared his experiences with fellow it was really inspired us to think differently and to do things differently. After attending his session we could make out difference between entrepreneur and businessman. 
Entrepreneurship is making things happen and Innovation is generating new ideas or modifying existing ideas. Some of the qualities of entrepreneur are....
a) Risk taking : Entrepreneur is the person who takes risk and try to do things happen. He will 
be always ready to face challenges which blocks his journey.
b) Innovation: Entrepreneurship and Innovation goes hand in hand entrepreneur who always  tries to do things differently and make things happen. Innovation is a part of entrepreneurship.
c) Leverage Resources: Entrepreneur who always try to utilize resources which are locally available or based on the availability of resources he think of business or enterprise. At the
same time he will be conscious about market and other external factors which have effects on
Enterprise to develop. 
d) Conviction: The best quality of a successful entrepreneur is strong conviction where they 
believe in their idea and have passion to do it or to put in to action. Entrepreneur will be very
much confident in their idea and work hard to make it happen. 
e) Hurdles: To become a successful entrepreneur its not easy task, there will be thousands of
problems may come on the way, but entrepreneur has to solve these blocks or problems he
will take appropriate steps to solve problems.
f) Team: Entrepreneur is the one who build competitive team to work and to develop
business.Entrepreneur is the person who give more important to Team and identify talented
and skilled one who can really contribute for the development of enterprise. 
g) Flexible: The best quality of entrepreneur is flexibility because business depends on external conditions so for an enterprise there are many external conditions which influence its growth and development. According to the market condition and need, entrepreneur has to change his ideas. 
Entrepreneur has to be polite and firm enough to run his business. He has to be aggressive in implementing policies and handling things. He has to be competitive to run his enterprise. 
I thank Gururaj Deshpand Sir for his informative and valuable suggestions. I'm inspired by his speech it was really boosted me to think in terms of entrepreneurial spirit in my work places.   

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